Pelatihan K3

Sertifikat Completion

Helicopter Under Escape Training (HUET)

Sertifikat Completion

Sea Survival & HUET

Sertifikat Completion

Basic First Aid (BFA)

Sertifikat Completion

Basic Fire Fighting (BFF)

Sertifikat Completion

Basic First Aid & Fire Fighting

Sertifikat Completion

Advanced First Aid

Sertifikat Completion

Advanced Fire Fighting

Sertifikat Completion


Sertifikat Completion

Fast Rescue Craft

Sertifikat Completion


Sertifikat Completion

Food Safety

Sertifikat Completion

Industrial Hygiene

Sertifikat Completion

Safety Awareness

Sertifikat Completion

Behavior Based Safety

Sertifikat Completion

Job Safety Analys dan Risk Management

Sertifikat Completion

Safety Leadership

Sertifikat Completion

Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS)

Sertifikat Completion

Warehouse Safety & 5S

Sertifikat Completion

Lock Out Tag Out

Sertifikat Completion

Safety Riding

Sertifikat Completion

Defensive Driving - Light Vehicle

Sertifikat Completion

Defensive Driving - 4WD

Sertifikat Completion

Defensive Driving - Heavy Duty Vehicle

Sertifikat Completion

Hazardous Material & Handling

Sertifikat Completion

Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO)

Sertifikat Completion

Helideck Assistant

Sertifikat Completion

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 (Awareness)

Sertifikat Completion

Pengelolaan Limbah B3

Sertifikat Completion

Sistem Manajemen K3 (SMK3) Awareness

Sertifikat Completion

Basic Sea Survival

Sertifikat Completion

Confined Space Entry

Sertifikat Completion

Working at Height (WAH)

Sertifikat Completion

Slinging & Lifting

Sertifikat Completion

Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Control (HIRADC)

Sertifikat Completion

Basic Rigging, Slinging & Lifting

Sertifikat Completion

BOSIET for Tropical Area

Sertifikat Completion

Lifting Inspector

Sertifikat Completion

Vertical Rescue

Sertifikat Completion

Wire Rope Socketing

Sertifikat Completion

Breathing Apparatus

Sertifikat Completion

Electrical Safety

Sertifikat Completion

Fundamental Project Management

Sertifikat Completion

H2S Level II

Sertifikat Completion

Basic Safety Training

Sertifikat Completion

Dust Management and Control Awareness

Sertifikat Completion

Fire Warden

Sertifikat Completion

Manajemen Logistik

Sertifikat Completion

Working at Height Rescuer

Sertifikat Completion

Welding Operator

Sertifikat Completion

Teknisi K3 Ketenagalistrikan

Sertifikat Completion